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The main advantages of the job search service

With the help of the portal, job search in Israel is significantly facilitated. You can find a job in Israel in a day. Registration and filling out a resume on the service Berka.co.il it takes about half an hour, and after a short moderation, your resume is ready for mailing. You can immediately start sending resumes for all the vacancies you like, the more-the better, more calls and more chances to find a dream job. Other advantages of the service Berka.co.il are:

Easy-to-use phone app available in Google Play and Apple Store – find a job even faster and easier;
Built — in service for professional filling out and publishing a resume, which can then be downloaded and sent out manually;
Sending a resume in one click from the website or from the application of any selected company with the ability to attach a cover letter;
Adding multiple resumes from one user with different professions;
E-mail subscription to notifications about new vacancies;
Job directory with search in four ways: companies, cities, categories and through the catalog of professions;
Quick and easy registration via Facebook, Google and Mail.Ru;
A huge variety of jobs: from the seller of neighboring alimony, to the artist of


Artem Berkovytch


Lex Angello


Vadim Sajlov

Web Developer